Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Autistic

The level of discourse on Autism is generally of a lower order and plays on words or ironic turns of phrase may, in such company, be misinterpreted as mistakes. Even psychologists and special educators, who should always engage in the most thoughtful and sophisticated manner in their public and semi-public statements, tend to fall into rather unimpressive holes of cliché, simplification and even downright bad writing.

I am Autistic, myself and I have been a teacher with a specialization in working with Austitic people for some nine years. My observations and research is colored by my own condition providing me a unique perspective.

What strikes me most about those with Autism is their intelligence and their unusual way of interpreting the world. They take the raw material of existence and recombine it, synthesizing amazing things from even the most mundane stuff. Consider the contributions of Einstein, Speilberg, Beethoven.

Some things I would like to explore in future posts regard the following subjects:

* Of the most severe forms of Autism the difficulty seems to be one of communication rather than any significant cerebral impairment. Once lines of communication are firmly established the human exchange of ideas is possible.

* Frequently the hyper-intelligent are mistaken for being mentally retarded because of the difficulties in communication or even the advanced cognitive facility of the Autistic which may strike the neuro typical as incomprehensible or crazy.

* It is very hard for average people to work with or live with those with Autism. Some neuro typical are not emotionally or intellectually prepared to deal with anyone who thinks or acts beyond the standard (whether in a healthy or unhealthy way). What is the nature of partnership amongst divergently limited people...the Autistic and the neuro typical?

I must point out that I am not advocating the proposition that those who are Autistic are some sort of super people, superior to the neuro typical. Certainly, some people are advanced in one aspect or another but this does not necessarily coincide with being Autistic or not.

It must be remembered that adults of every kind are not exempt from good behavior or responsibility. We are all, I believe, required by nature and society to develop our wisdom and, to the best of our abilities, serve mankind. We must develop.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....